Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Snow!

This morning we woke up to big fluffy looking snow flakes falling. Sage sat on the couch watching them falling, pointing at them and telling me "Oh!" Skyler woke up and saw the snow and had a slightly different reaction. He ran around the house finding cars and telling me he needed Dad to wake up because they were going to go outside and drive cars in the snow. We informed Dad of the plan, and at first he wasn't convinced. But the boys and I still wanted to go out, so we bundled up and headed out. It only took Josh a few minutes to join us. It was a fun way to start out our Sunday. Driving cars in the snow, throwing snow balls at each other, and picking up Sage when he'd fall over and couldn't get himself up. And Skyler and Sage thought the snow tasted delicious!

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